Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dr.'s Appointments and such!

I went to the Dr. on friday to have a wart frozen off and have my thyroid levels checked because they were up a little when the ob-gyn checked them a few months ago. Well the Dr. decided to check my glucose as well, because for some reason they are worried about me being diabetic, but its a good precaution, because it does run in my family so I am at risk. My glucose has been checked at least 3 times in the last year and each time it has been fine, but this time it was elevated. I'm not sure how elevated it was, but on tuesday I go to have a 2 hr. glucose test. I have to be honest, I'm nervous about this, because sometimes I'm just not sure how much more I can handle as far as medical issues in my life. I know that God will not put more on me than I can handle, but it's just so much in such a short period of time. Please pray that all goes well on the test and it was just simply because of something that wasn't under my control. Once I know the results of the test I will let you know! Also while I was at the dr.'s office the nurses who were trying to draw blood found out I had been through chemo and asked how I was doing and all but they weren't oh thats so sad and stuff.. I was happy about that. I am not ashamed that I had cancer nor do I think it was a bad thing. It was an experience I wouldnt trade for anything because it brought me so much closer to the Lord and my friends and family. I know I just said that I didn't know how much more I can handle, it's just because sometimes things can be so overwhelming, but that I realize why I had to go through that.

As far as everything else. It is going well. I am going to be housesitting for 4 weeks! I'm very excited, it will kind of be like living on my own. A great thing is the place has a pool and its extremely close! When I housesit it makes me realize how much I appreciate my parents and that I do like living with them. It can be kind of lonely living by yourself. Tomorrow we are going to Salisbury for Father's day Lunch! Then I will move into the house.

Til we meet again!

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