Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's FINAL!!!

Well today is a very happy day in the life of the Beecham's. Well six months ago our world was changed when Will was born, and today he is officially a Beecham :) Will's adoption was finalized today! He also had his 6 month check up this week and he weights 15lbs. and is 24 1/2 in. long!! And Healthy!!

In other news lets see.. Oh dad and I were watching TV Monday night and on some show someone said that "almost dying doesn't change anything, but dying does." Well, I beg to differ, both of them change things. Where shall I start. I myself have been pretty close to dying and let me tell you it changed a lot of things. If nothing else it changed my outlook on life and made me realize that I or no-one else is promised a tomorrow. It also made me realize how special every person in my life is. So ponder that quote.. I'll
try to update a lil more frequently!
I leave you with a picture of Will that I took on Sunday when he was 6 months old!

1 comment:

MamaJ said...

What a cute little chunk!! He looks so squish-able! Hope to see you Sunday!