Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 2 in San Juan...

Today was our first day going to Campo Clinic. It was a new experience for me. Basically we go into villlages and set up a clinic in a school, house, under a tree, wherever we can then the dr.'s see the patients, and then they are given vitamins, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and medication if they need it.. We carry a mobile pharmacy with us. I helped with the pharmacy. It was so neat to see the different ones that come in.. They stood around outside the room we were in and looked through the windows. All the children are so adorable, and they are so appreciative that we come! We saw over 100 patients today. I know that we made a difference in their lives.. When we left the "president" of their community came up and thanked us and gave us hugs. It was so nice of him..

1 comment:

Amber said...

So Awesome Kim! Keeping you and your team lifted up! You are amazing, I am so proud of you and so glad that you get the privilege to minister to those in need. God bless girl!

Love ya, Amber.