Thursday, April 14, 2011


Well I am home. We got back to NC around 8 Sunday night an hour later than we were suppose to.. It was a mess in Philly, US Air was trying to get people to catch the next flight out so that some of the crew members could get to Charlotte. I am not sure of the reasoning, but I thought it was kind of rude and not very customer friendly.. But because of the mess we were late taking off and then we had to wait till there would be an opening for us to land in Charlotte, putting us an hour behind... Although, I wasn't really ready to come home till we were back in the US, after sitting on the plane for an hour waiting to take off I couldn't wait to land back in Charlotte!! Once we landed we unloaded and waited for the luggage, collected it and headed towards good Ole MP!! Dad picked us up, we dropped Alicia and Buddy off at their house, said goodbye and headed back across 49!! HOME finally!! Mom was happy to see me and I was happy to be home. I unloaded the dirty laundry and grabbed a nice HOT shower!!

The rest of the week was great and I am still trying to process all that I saw and had the opportunity to do while I was gone.. I plan to blog more about it as I do..

I did want to share a little more about the Dominican Church we went to .. Here is what I wrote in my journal. On the way to the church I shared my cancer story with Dr. Pons and those sitting around. She said she wanted to cry and then said "God is Good." I said Yes, He is!! Who would have thought 4 1/2 years later that I would be on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. It is still quite surreal that I am really here!! El musica es muy bonita!(The music is very beautiful.) We sang "Este Es El Dia", This is the day. It was wonderful hearing worship in another country and language. God is not the God of just the US but over the entire Earth. What an AWESOME GOD we serve!!! I wish I knew more spanish should I could understand the pastor. Looking around everyone is zoned in on him. He seems to keep everyone's attention, I have a feeling he is preaching Truth, all the people here seem genuine!! When they were singing praise to God, I felt like I could see their hearts on their faces, and it was a heart that loves JESUS!!! The pastor would ask questions and the congregation would respond, He preached from John 9:1-12, His first question was, What is the best gift someone can give you?
The closing song was "I am a friend of God" "Eres mi amigo fiel, eres mi amigo fiel, eres mi amigo fiel, tu amigo soy. The congregation was singing from their hearts, what a beautiful time of worship! Thank you Jesus for allowing me the opportunity to witness and be a part of this. I can still hear them singing in my head. They were so passionate about what they were singing...

More later..

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