Tuesday, March 25, 2008

just some ramblings!

At many times during the day I have several thoughts run through my mind that I would love to blog on but by the time I'm able to blog I've forgotten them. I think I need to try and write them down so I can blog about them. One of the things that has hit me several times the past few weeks is.... Someone I know has "Be Intentional" as their status on Aim. Each time I see it, I think about how can I "Be Intentional", and what exactly does it mean. Well to "Be Intentional" can mean several things, but I really take it to mean that we should take care in all that we do and do everything with meaning and to make sure that we put Jesus first in all that we do and do everything for HIS Glory. I must admit I don't come anywehre near being Intentional in what I do.

Another thing is would you continue to pray for little Reagan, she is 3 weeks old today and still has some moments. Her father posted an awesome prayer today I encourage you to go read it. Here's the link to their blog again. http://reaganoliviawinslow.blogspot.com/ .

Maybe more tomorrow! Goodnight! :)

1 comment:

MamaJ said...

Blog. you must blog. blog now. do it.