Tuesday, July 15, 2008


For starters today was quite possibly the worst day I've ever had at the credit union.. Why, you ask? Well, our system was down for pretty much all day I think we finally got it up about oh ummm 5:15.. On top of that it was just very stressful with all that was going on. I actually wanted to cry when I left just because I was stressed. Well, tomorrow's another day and here's to a much better day! I don't have to be there til 12, because I have some dr's appointments to go to the 1st one is to have this stupid wart frozen and to go over the results from my previous bloodwork. Then it's off to see Dr. Schwartz for my 4 month follow up :) ! I hope and pray everything is still going well with my body. I feel that it is, even though there is always that small question of "what if"? I will be sure to let everyone knows how it goes.

I was looking through my devotional book "My Utmost for His Highest" and found this "We can all see God in exceptional things, but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail. Never believe that the so-called random events of life are anything less than God's appointed order. Be ready to discover His divine designs anywhere and everywhere. This is so very true, we need to look at everything and look for God's hand on it, because it is there. I find myself doing this all the time, I'll just be like I wonder why God wanted it to happen this way, like why didn't I go that way and it's the way I normally go, simple things like that. I assure you His hands are all over it.

So what have you seen lately that has God's hands all over it??

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