Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another good check up!

Well today was a busy day for me with Doctor's appointments and all. Thankfully the both went well. I had my yearly physical and bloodwork, and will know those results within a week or so... When I left there, I went and voted, then to the Ford dealership, and the insurance place, and to get gas. Once I got home I called and registered for my spring classes, and then watched a movie. I just relaxed for awhile and then headed off to my 4 month follow up oncology appointment with Dr. Schwartz. It went great! No new developments since the last time, and pretty much says that I'm doing great! I was his only well patient today. I am very thankful every time I go and have a good check up. I go back in 4 more months!

One more good thing from today is I have lost 31 of the 75 lbs that I want to loose! I am well on my way to my goal of being a healthier thinner Kim!!

I would also like to mention this too. Doug said this Sunday night in his sermon and it really made me thing about how sovereign our God is! "God will never allow any action against you that is not in accord with his will for you. And his will is always directed to our good. Why then do we suffer such disappointment when the hoped for favor that we needed from another person doesn't materialize? Why do we struggle with resentment and bitterness when someone else's decision or action adversely affects us? Is it not because it is our plans that have been dashed or our pride that has been wounded?Deut.29:29" We have to remember on this night of the election that we have to trust that God is completely in control no matter who wins the election.

I hope everyone has a good one! I'll be back next week, I'm leaving Sat. morning going to Washington DC for the weekend, please keep me in your prayers that I have a safe trip!


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