Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

As I sit here on this New Year's Eve 2007, so many thoughts are rolling through my head! I do konw one thing for sure, this one is much better than last year. I remember that I went to bed around 9 because I felt so bad, and I was anticipating a wonderful new year with a year full of blessings to come. Well, 2007 started off quite rough for me if you don't know or remember, I spent the first 2 weeks in the hospital with an infection, cold, and eventually having to have my gall bladder removed. Once that was over, I found out I had some spots on my lungs and luckily those came from the infection. 2007 wasn't anywhere near as trying as 2006 was but it still had its ups and downs. I'll just list the events in my life in 2007 and you can decide up or down, going back to work Feb. 1st, 1st Relay for life Survivor lap, 2 Tattoos, Shingles, 3 ruptured discs in back, deciding to go back to school at Liberty, trip to chicago, amazing Christmas, and news of an adoption! God is so amazing and I can hardly put into words how thankful I am for what HE has done for me my entire life, and especially the last year and a half. I can never thank Him enough for what He has done. 2008 is a whole new beginning again for me, I'm excited to see what 2008 will bring.

Tonight I finished a book that I've been reading for a couple of months called "Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance" by Atul Gawande. The book is very good and eye opening especially after spending as much time around the medical field as I have over the last year and a half. He ends the book with a challenge if you will, and this is part of my goal for 2008. His challenge is this "Find something new to try, something to cange. Count how often you succeed and how often you fail. Write about it. Aske people what they think. See if you cna keep the conversation going." So now I pass that challenge on to you. What is a goal of yours for 2008?

Here's to a Happy and blessed NEW YEAR for each and everyone of you!


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